Hello, Do you know where I might be able to find more information on the artist, Stamatis Vassiliou? I believe he may have been a good friend of my Grandfathers.
I've done extensive research on him, his brother and father. They were all painters (I am a Cairo Greek myself). I am writing a book on them now, in Greek. May I ask what was the name of your grandfather?
Wow! They would have known him by Uly or Nick (his middle name) Panos. I believe they lost contact sometime in the late 40s, however my grandfather met the Vassiliou family during WWII (in Cairo) as a Greek-American soldier. I recently recovered several letters referencing Stamatis and his extended family (his parents and an uncle). Is Stamatis or family members of his, living? I would love to somehow contact them about this.
Stamatis passed away over a decade ago (can't get to my notes now) in Athens, were he immigrated in the eraly 1960. He and his twin brother, Takis (Dimitri) were born in 1920 so they were in their late 20s when your grandfather met them. Stamatis had just started working for an Egyptian advertising agency, his brother as well. Stamatis never married, so there are no official offspring. Takis married and had a son (Vassilis) and a daughter (Tina, in Cyprus now). Their sister Pothiti also had a daughter, Anna. I am in contact with Vassilis and Anna. Interestingly, they both have a very vague idea of whether their grandfather did have a brother, the "uncle" you are referring to. They vaguely remember one who was maybe living in one of the Canal cities. Is there anything in those letters that would be useful to them as family members? A name and perhaps were he was living with his family?
Thank you for responding, Im incredibly moved to learn more about the Vassiliou family. My grandfather passed away before I could meet him. I have 2 letters (written from my grandfather to his parents in 1944) referencing the Vassilious. One letter references Stamatis as a "war artist" he met while stationed in Italy, they went sightseeing together. He mentions going to the Orthodox church in Cairo with the Vassiliou family when he flies to the Cairo base, amongst other outings. The second letter references having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Vassiliou several evenings and my grandfather asks his parents to send a letter to them thanking them for their hospitality, he lists a Cairo address. I was wondering if perhaps someone in the Vassiliou family has some sort of correspondence or something from the war that may mention my grandfather (or a letter from his parents). The second letter of my grandfathers also mentions "going to visit his uncle in the evenings. His name is Olympitis and he has a son in the Egyptian army who is also 20, a fine fellow too." I also have some photographs from his time in Cairo, I don't know any of the people in them, perhaps some of them could be members of the Vassiliou family. Do you perhaps have an email address I could reach you at?
I spoke with Stamatis' nephew yesterday about our correspondence. He confirmed the Olympitis name as the family hailed from the village of Olympos from a Greek island. He remembers the person but was not sure of the family relationship. Stamatis indeed stayed in Italy for a year or two, after the end of the war, then returned to Cairo. Re the photos, my email is visible in this blog. As you suggest, let us continue corresponding in a more personal manner.
My mother sister of Stamatis Vassiliou Was very close so was his mother and niece as Stam Vassiliou never married. We respect his memory and his own family shoukd inform any inquiries so the correct personality and works paintings are revealed. Outsiders like Maria coutroubaki Adamantidou has not all the info as she was researching after instructions from her boss Manos Haritatos who dies in 2012 owner of Miet in Monasteraki and offered to make an exhibition.however the paintings GSM were never returned to the rightful owner. Any queries can be answered immediately.
Maria Adamantidou a coworker at Elias MIET has no blood relation with Stamatis Vassiliou or had just met him once. Therefore I his niece my mother's brother I have the right to disagree with many inaccuracies of Maria adamandidou Coutroubaki or my cousin younger than me who never lived with Stamatis Vassiliou the Vassiliou Family the sister like I grew up in the same house. Any queries can be passed on to me. Although late when this was written. Anna the daughter of Vassiliki Vassiliou. Lloydamh69@gmail.com
Yes his potrait were unique I am his niece as Anna as he had no children and he raised me and was my godfather. Pls let me know about you .glad to inform you .as you have no name Unknown or address .. Anna his niece
Stanatis Vassiliou was born Hellene his heritage and never immigrated to Egypt as he was born there 2nd or 3rd generation. In his late 30s he left Egypt to go with the rest of the family to Greece his mother and sister and niece Anna moystacka. Thank you.
This poster is the work of the Cairo-born Greek artist Stamatis Vassiliou.
Maria Adamantidis
The "Awel gharam" poster is the work of the Cairo-born Greek artist Stamatis Vassiliou.
Maria Adamantidis
Hello, Do you know where I might be able to find more information on the artist, Stamatis Vassiliou? I believe he may have been a good friend of my Grandfathers.
I've done extensive research on him, his brother and father. They were all painters (I am a Cairo Greek myself). I am writing a book on them now, in Greek. May I ask what was the name of your grandfather?
Wow! They would have known him by Uly or Nick (his middle name) Panos. I believe they lost contact sometime in the late 40s, however my grandfather met the Vassiliou family during WWII (in Cairo) as a Greek-American soldier. I recently recovered several letters referencing Stamatis and his extended family (his parents and an uncle). Is Stamatis or family members of his, living? I would love to somehow contact them about this.
Stamatis passed away over a decade ago (can't get to my notes now) in Athens, were he immigrated in the eraly 1960. He and his twin brother, Takis (Dimitri) were born in 1920 so they were in their late 20s when your grandfather met them. Stamatis had just started working for an Egyptian advertising agency, his brother as well. Stamatis never married, so there are no official offspring. Takis married and had a son (Vassilis) and a daughter (Tina, in Cyprus now). Their sister Pothiti also had a daughter, Anna. I am in contact with Vassilis and Anna. Interestingly, they both have a very vague idea of whether their grandfather did have a brother, the "uncle" you are referring to. They vaguely remember one who was maybe living in one of the Canal cities. Is there anything in those letters that would be useful to them as family members? A name and perhaps were he was living with his family?
Thank you for responding, Im incredibly moved to learn more about the Vassiliou family. My grandfather passed away before I could meet him. I have 2 letters (written from my grandfather to his parents in 1944) referencing the Vassilious. One letter references Stamatis as a "war artist" he met while stationed in Italy, they went sightseeing together. He mentions going to the Orthodox church in Cairo with the Vassiliou family when he flies to the Cairo base, amongst other outings. The second letter references having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Vassiliou several evenings and my grandfather asks his parents to send a letter to them thanking them for their hospitality, he lists a Cairo address. I was wondering if perhaps someone in the Vassiliou family has some sort of correspondence or something from the war that may mention my grandfather (or a letter from his parents). The second letter of my grandfathers also mentions "going to visit his uncle in the evenings. His name is Olympitis and he has a son in the Egyptian army who is also 20, a fine fellow too." I also have some photographs from his time in Cairo, I don't know any of the people in them, perhaps some of them could be members of the Vassiliou family. Do you perhaps have an email address I could reach you at?
I spoke with Stamatis' nephew yesterday about our correspondence. He confirmed the Olympitis name as the family hailed from the village of Olympos from a Greek island. He remembers the person but was not sure of the family relationship. Stamatis indeed stayed in Italy for a year or two, after the end of the war, then returned to Cairo. Re the photos, my email is visible in this blog. As you suggest, let us continue corresponding in a more personal manner.
Hello Maria,
I am having a hard time finding your email on here...mind sending it my way? You could reach me at christa.calbos@gmail.com
Christa, I replied to the email address you suggested a few days ago.
STAMATIS VASSILIOU Hellene artist painter Egypt born 1920-1999. More information in Stamatis VASSILIOU artist Painter . Anna Moystacka
Anna Moystacka I grew up with my uncle my mother's brother and I will be pleased to inform anyone interested. About my uncle Stamatis.thanks
My mother sister of Stamatis Vassiliou
Was very close so was his mother and niece as Stam Vassiliou never married.
We respect his memory and his own family shoukd inform any inquiries so the correct personality and works paintings are revealed. Outsiders like Maria coutroubaki Adamantidou has not all the info as she was researching after instructions from her boss Manos Haritatos who dies in 2012 owner of Miet in Monasteraki and offered to make an exhibition.however the paintings GSM were never returned to the rightful owner. Any queries can be answered immediately.
Having known briefly the artist
I was fascinated by his talent
And the sketch of my potrait. !!!
Maria Adamantidou a coworker at Elias MIET has no blood relation with Stamatis Vassiliou or had just met him once. Therefore I his niece my mother's brother I have the right to disagree with many inaccuracies of Maria adamandidou Coutroubaki or my cousin younger than me who never lived with Stamatis Vassiliou the Vassiliou Family the sister like I grew up in the same house. Any queries can be passed on to me. Although late when this was written. Anna the daughter of Vassiliki Vassiliou. Lloydamh69@gmail.com
Yes his potrait were unique
I am his niece as Anna as he had no children and he raised me and was my godfather. Pls let me know about you .glad to inform you .as you have no name Unknown or address .. Anna his niece
Also genocide30233837@gmail.com
For further info on uncle Stam Vassiliou thank anyone interested. With pleasure
Stanatis Vassiliou was born Hellene his heritage and never immigrated to Egypt as he was born there 2nd or 3rd generation. In his late 30s he left Egypt to go with the rest of the family to Greece his mother and sister and niece Anna moystacka. Thank you.
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