Jamila the Algerian (1958) - (Magda) Egyptian one-sheet
This is a 27" x 38" undated rerelease poster for the 1958 Youssuf Chahine film Jamila the Algerian written by Ali Esserkami, Youssef Essiabi, Naguib Mahfouz, Uadjih Nagib and Abder Rahman el Charkani and starring Magda as Jamila. Plot Summary: The youth of Algeria could find no means of liberation other than battle. Jamila Buohired decided she had to be a part of the liberation front, so she joined Yousef Saadi's [Ahmed Mazhar] secret team. The team was smuggling weapons from the Arab nations and killing French officers. The team had to change its hiding place and Jamila volunteered to help. Soldiers arrested her, but the rest of her team escaped. She was savagely tortured and told to reveal Yousef's location, but she endured the utmost torture without betraying her country. In a rigged trial she was sentenced to death but there was an international movement to save her. According to film critic Sa'ad al-Din Tawfiq this is one of the top 100 Egyptian films.
Cast and crew: Youssef Chahine, Ali Esserkami, Youssef Essiabi, Uadjih Nagib, Abder Rahman el Charkani, Magda, Ahmed Mazhar, Salah Zulfikar, Rushdy Abaza, Mahmoud El-Meliguy, Hussein Riad, Abdel Aziz Fahmi, Naguib Mahfouz, Farida Fahmy, Adly Kasseb, Zahrat El-Ola, Tahani Rached, Kariman, Nadia El Guindy, Salah Nazmi, Fakher Fakher, Ahmed Louxor, Shafik Noureddin, Soleyman Al-Guindy, Said Khalil, Sherine, Mohamed Hamdi, Youssef El Sebai