The Giant of Metropolis (1961) - (Gordon Mitchell) Argentine one-sheet
This is a 29" x 43" Argentine poster for the 1961 Umberto Scarpelli film The Giant of Metropolis [Il gigante di Metropolis] based on a story by Gino Stafford, screenplay by Sabatino Ciuffini, Ambrogio Molteni, Oreste Palella, Emimmo Salvi and Umberto Scarpelli and starring Gordon Mitchell as Obro. Plot summary: In 20000 BC the people on the lost continent of Atlantis have developed an advanced civilization and are ruling the earth. A powerful man named Obro is sent by his father [Mani Meniconi] to the capital city Metropolis to oppose its godlessness and hubris; the scientists in Metropolis are trying to subvert the process of death but their evil efforts are only causing destruction. They do not see that only love will be able to prevail as the source of life, and so they use their scientific powers to deprive all the people of Metropolis of their free will. When Obro and his group enter the Valley of Metropolis King Yoh-tar [Rolando Lupi] orders his henchmen to unleash the magnetic whirlwinds of death against them. Only Obro survives the attack to be brought before King Yoh-tar; the two immediately get into a hot verbal confrontation vowing to destroy each other. Thus begins an epic tale about a life-and-death struggle between the forces of good and evil portrayed on a huge futuristic set that looks as if it was built for a Buck Rogers film.
Cast and crew: Umberto Scarpelli, R. Nichols, Sebatino Ciuffini, Ambrogio Molteni, Emimmo Salvi, Oreste Palella, Gino Stafford, Gordon Mitchell, Furio Meniconi, Liana Orfei, Bella Cortez, Rolando Lupi, Roldano Lupi, Marietto, Omero Gargano, Mario Meniconi, Carlo Tamberlani, Luigi Moneta, Ugo Sasso, Renato Terra, CArlo Enrici, Leopoldo Savona, Liana Orfei