Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Steel Dawn (1987) - (Patrick Swayze) Egyptian one-sheet

Steel Dawn (1987) - (Patrick Sawyze) Egyptian one-sheet

This is a 27" x 39" Egyptian poster designed by Morteda Anise for the 1987 Lance Hool film Steel Dawn AKA Desert Warrior written by Doug Lefler and starring Patrick Swayze as Nomad. Plot summary: In the years after the apocalypse, Nomad comes across a group of desert settlers whose water supply is being threatened by a fierce gang of mounted savages.

Cast and crew: Lance Hool, Morteda Anise, Patrick Swayze,Lisa Niemi, Anthony Zerbe, Doug Lefler, Christopher Neame, Brion James, John Fujioka, Brett, Hool, Marcel Van Heerden, Arnold Vosloo, James Whyle, Russel Savadier, Joe Ribeiro, Alex Heynes, Brad Morris, Tulio Moneta

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