When Dad Comes Back [vot vernetsia papa] (1983) - (dir: Khalmamed Kakabayev) Persian poster
The language on this poster is Persian, but there is very little written information. Thanks to Susan Poole for locating the film this poster advertises. The top line says "When my father returns" [vaqti pedaram bar migardad or ВОТ ВЕРНЕТСЯ ПАПА]. This is both a caption for the painting and a Persian translation of the Russian title of the film, which is set in World War II. In the painting the girl seems to be saying this to the boy. The characters in red on the right side say "Eastman color" and the black characters on the source line at the bottom left say "Product of Turkman Films" [mahsul torkman film]. The poster measures 26.5" x 38.5".
The performers in the film are Mayagozel Aimedova, Culnara Babayeva and Kurban Atayev
I would love to see the film! The poster was designed to make me feel that way.
On the Kinopoisk site I found this summary in Russian: The film is dedicated to the boys who have matured in the war. In the center of the narration is the thrush Bahar and the aul postman Merdan. They are not yet nine, but they know that every passing day, every good deed accomplished brings the Day of Victory closer and the day of the return of the fathers.
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