Rinty e la Lince [Тропой бескорыстной любви] (1972) - (dir: Agasi Babayan) Italian two-sheet
This is a 39" x 55" Italian two-sheet poster designed by Morini for the 1972 Agassi Babayan film Rinty e la Lince AKA Tropoy beskorystoy Lyubvi [Тропой бескорыстной любви] AKA The Path Towards Uninterested Love starring Dmitri Orlovskiy as Michailytsch, written by Leonid Belokurov, story by Vitalii Bianki. Plot summary: An old forester named Michailystych raises a lynx kitten he has found, whose mother was killed by a bear. He becomes fond of it and names it Kunak [Buddy]; then he loses Kunak to some poachers who sell him to a circus. Kunak escapes the circus and finds his way back to Michailystsch.
Cast and crew: Agasi Babayan, Vladimir Orlovski, Sonia Vasarov
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