Saturday, December 26, 2015

Room at the Top (1959) - (Simone Signoret) US half-sheet

Room at the Top (1959) - (Simone Signoret) US half-sheet

This is a 22" x 28" US half-sheet poster for the 1959 Jack Clayton film Room at the Top based on the 1957 novel by John Braine, screenplay by Neil Paterson and starring Simone Signoret as Alice Aisgill. Plot summary: In the late 1940s Joe Lampton [Laurence Harvey] develops a romantic interest in Susan Brown [Heather Sears]. Susan is the daughter of Henry Brown, [Donald Wolfit] an industrialist in the Yorkshire borough where Joe has taken a position as a clerk in the Treasurer's Department. Mr. Brown objects to their relationship and sends Susan abroad. For consolation Joe forms a new relationship with Alice Aisgill, which falls apart when Susan returns from her travels.

Cast and crew: Jack Clayton, Neil Paterson, Simone Signoret, Laurence Harvey, Heather Sears, Donald Wolfit, Donald Houston, Hermione Baddeley, Allan Cuuthbertson, Raymond Huntley, John Westbrook, Ambrosine Phillpotts, Richard Pasco, Beatrice Varley, Delena Kidd, Ian Handry, April Olrich

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