Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fled (1996) Egyptian one-sheet

Fled [al-hareban] (1982) - (Laurence Fishburne) one-sheet film poster

This is an unusually minimalist Egyptian poster for the 1996 Kevin Hooks film Fled starring Laurence Fishburne. It has the English word "Fled" with the Arabic word meaning "The Two Fugitives" (al-hareban) below it. The only other information on the poster is the name of the distributor (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) and the release number and date (262/97). Directed by Kevin Hooks. Cast and crew: Laurence Fishburne, Stephen Baldwin, Will Patton, Robert John Burke, Robert Hooks, Kevin Hooks, Preston A. Whitmore II, Robert John Burke, Robert Hooks, Victor Rivers, David Dukes, Ken Jenkins, Michael Nader, Brittney Powell, Salma Hayek, Steve Carlisle, Brett Rice, J. Don Ferguson, Kathy Payne

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