Sunday, February 12, 2017

Match Point (2005) - (dir: Woody Allen) Egyptian one-sheet

Match Point (2005) - (Woody Allen) Egyptian one-sheet

This is a 26.5" x 38" Egyptian poster designed by an unknown designer for the 2005 film Match Point written and directed by Woody Allen and starring Scarlett Johansson as Nola Rice. Plot summary: Chris Wilton [Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a retired tennis pro with financial problems. He makes ends meet by teaching tennis at a London club. He takes up with a wealthy family and begins dating their daughter Chloe, [Emily Mortimer] but the American actress Nola Rice has also caught his eye. Nola is already engaged to his wealthy friend.

Cast and crew: Woody Allen, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Alexander Armstrong, Paul Kaye, Matthew Goode, Brian Cox, Penelope Wilton, Emily Mortimer, Janis Kelly, Alan Oke, Mark Gatiss, Scarlett Johansson, Philip Mansfield, Simon Kunz, Geoffrey Streatfield, Mary Hegarty

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