The Unholy Four (1970) - (Leonardo Mann) Italian locandina
This is a 14" x 27" Italian locandina poster designed by Rodolfo Gasparri for the 1970 Enzo Barboni film The Unholy Four AKA Ciakmull written by Franco Rossetti and Mario di Nardo and starring Leonardo Mann as Chuck Mool AKA Ciakmull. Plot summary: Four robbers escape from prison. One of them is an amnesiac who learns his real name Chuck Mool from one of the other robbers. Although he now knows his name, he still has identity confusion. He was once a feared gunslinger who had relationships he no longer recalls. He and the other escapees then find their way back to Mool's hometown, where they meet some people who claim to be Chuck Mool's family.
Cast and crew: Enzo Barboni, E.B. Clucher, Franco Rossetti, Mario Di Nardo, Leonardo Mann, Woody Strode, Pietro Martellanza, George Eastman, Helmuth Schneider, Lucio Rosato, Alain Naya, Giuseppe Lauricella, Dino Strano, Andrea Aureli, Enzo Fiermonte, Luciano Rossi, Vittorio Fanfoni, Silvana Bacci, Unberto Di Grazia
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