Wickedness (1992) - (Youssra) US one-sheet
Pictured is a 25.25" x 36.5" Egyptian poster designed to promote the 1992 111-minute Nader Galal color film Wickedness [al-shariss] starring Youssra based on story, screenplay and dialogue by Magdy Hidaya with cinematography by Samir Farag. Plot summary: This is a police/gangland movie set in the Port of Alexandria. Three siblings lived in Alexandria. The first one Hamam [Mahmoud Hemida] was the leader of a gang of drug dealers operating under the cover of a shipping office inside the port. He succeeded in recruiting his little brother Khamis [Mahmoud El Guindi] for the narcotics trade, but their sister Fatma [Youssra] refused to engage in this illicit activity. She objected to their criminal trade and remained a simple sales worker at a clothing store. Fatma had a love relationship with Mansour [Youssef Mansour], a friend to her brother Khamis, but he was away from the neighborhood for many years; when he returned they renewed their relationship and decided to marry. The return of Mansour and his emotional tie with Fatma are a central part of the film's early development. Al-Agrudy [Nour El-Demerdash], a narcotics dealer in competiton with Hamam, wanted to marry Fatma, but she refused him. During an argument with Hamam he killed Zein [Ashraf Abdel Baqi], one of Hamam's agents; Khamis took revenge by killing three members of Al-Agrudy's gang. Al-Agrudy demanded that Hamam kill his brother Khamis, but Hamam just made his brother apologize to Al-Agrudy. Mansour, an athletic man skilled in shooting and the martial arts who had been absent for a considerable period engaged in unknown activity, then emerged as a police agent charged with purging the Port of Alexandria of narcotics gangs; he asked Fatma to help him with his secret mission. Hamam shot his brother Khamis, who died later in a hospital. Fatma was heartbroken and furious with her brother Hamam. Hamam was then killed in a confrontation by Al-Agrudy as Fatma watched. Then Mansour took on Al-Agrudy's gang in a heroic one-against-many fight; just as Al-Agrudy was about to shoot Mansour, Fatma shot and killed him, thus completing the purge of the Port of Alexandria. Youssra gets top billing on the poster for this film and she deserves it. She holds the film together.
Cast and crew: Nader Galal, Youssra, Mahmoud Hemida, Mahmoud El Guindi, Youssef Mansour, Nour El-Demerdash, Ashraf Abdel Baqi, Mohamed Dia, Samir Farag, Magdy Hidaya, Othman Abdul Menem, Ahmed Abo Abeya, Diaa El-Merghani, Sayed Hatem, Khaled Youssef, Fekri Sadeq, Abir Adel
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