For a Few Dollars More (R1970s) - (dir: Sergio Leone) Australian Day Bill
This is a 13" x 30" Australian hand litho day bill poster for a 1970s rerelease of the 1965 Sergio Leone film For a Few Dollars More based on a screenplay by Sergio Leone, Fulvio Morsella and Luciano Vincenzoni and starring Clint Eastwood as Manco. Plot summary: In 19th Century El Paso bounty hunters Manco and Col. Douglas Mortimer [Lee Van Cleef] form a partnership to go after El Indio [Gian Maria Volontè] and his gang and then split the reward.
Cast and crew: Clint Eastwood, Sergio Leone, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volontè, Mario Brega, Luigi Pistili, Fulvio Morsella, Luciano Vincenzoni, Aldo Sambrell, Klaus Kinski, Benito Stefanelli, Luis Rodriguez, Panos Papadopulos, Mara Krupp, Roberto Camardiel, Joseph Egger, Tomas Blanco, Lorenzo Robledo
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