Monday, January 7, 2019

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad 1973 John Phillip Law Egyptian one-sheet

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973) - (John Phillip Law) Egyptian one-sheet

This is a 27" x 39" Egyptian poster designed by al-Thaghr Khamis for the 1973 Gordon Hessler film The Golden Voyage of Sinbad based on story and screenplay by Brian Clemens and starring John Phillip Law as Sinbad. Plot summary: A Homunculus with a golden tablet falls into the hands of Sinbad and his crew. They are then pursued by the evil magician Koura [Tom Baker] who once owned the tablet and wants it back. Koura follows them on a voyage through strange lands populated by bizarre peoples and dangerous monsters.

Cast and crew: Brian Clemens, al-Thaghr Khamis, Gordon Hessler, John Philip Law, Caroline Munro, Tom Baker, Douglas Wilmer, Martin Shaw, Gregoire Aslan, Kurt Christian, Takis Emmanuel, David Garfeld, Ferdinando Poggi, Aldo Smbrell, Robert Reitty

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