Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Last of the Vikings 1961 Cameron Mitchell Egyptian one-sheet

The Last of the Vikings (1961) - (Cameron Mitchell) Style B Egyptian one-sheet

This is a 27" x 39" Egyptian poster designed by al-Thaghr Khamis and Wahib Fahmy for the 1961 Giacomo Gentilomo film The Last of the Vikings based on a screenplay by Arpad DeRiso, Guido Zurli and Giacomo Gentilomo and starring Cameron Mitchell as Harald. Plot summary: In the middle of the 10th Century Harald and his younger brother Guntar [George Ardisson] return to Norway after a 10-year voyage to find that King Sveno [Edmund Purdom] has has murdered their father and taken over the country. Harald resolves to rally the Vikings against Sveno.

Cast and crew: Giacomo Gentilomo, Wahab Fahmy, al-Thaghr Khamis, Arpad DiRiso, Luigi Mondello, Cameron Mitchell, Edmund Purdom, Isabelle Corey, Helene Remy, George Ardisson, Mario Feliciani, Andrea Aureli, Aldo Bufi Landi, Carla Calo, Corrado Annicelli, Nando Tamberlani, Nando Angelini, Piero Gerlini, Andrea Checchi, Piero Lulli

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