Friday, December 21, 2012

The Puppeteer (1989)

The Puppeteer [al-aragoz] (1989) - (Omar Sharif) Egyptian film poster

This film was directed by Hany Lasheen. Plot summary: The puppeteer Mohammad Gad Al-Karim taught his son Bohlul, who later completed his higher education. Mohammad married a beautiful carnival worker named En'am, who loved his profession and was not embarrassed by it. However Mohammad's educated son Bohlul tried to distance himself from his class. Bohlul asked his father to leave his old profession and stay at home, because he had come under the influence of a corrupt pasha, had married the pasha's daughter and set his sights on winning a seat in Parliament. The father sticks with his principles hoping to rekindle Bohlul's ethics and idealism. En'am bears a new son for Mohammad who grows up to become a new puppeteer with the ethics, characteristics and class attributes of a puppeteer. The poster was designed by Nagy Shaker.

Cast and crew: Omar Sharif, Mervat Amin, Hesham Selim, Salwa Khattab, Hany Lasheen, Mohsen Ahmed, Ahmed Khalil

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