Saturday, March 7, 2015

Night of the Blood Beast (1958) - (John Baer) US one-sheet

Night of the Blood Beast (1958) - (John Baer) US one-sheet

Pictured here is a US 21" x 41" one-sheet poster for the 1958 Bernard L. Kowalski film Night of the Blood Beast based on a story by Gene Corman, screenplay by Martin Varno and starring Ross Sturlin as The Creature. Plot summary: When the body of a deceased astronaut is recovered by his base station upon his return to earth, an alien cuts all external communication with the base. Then the astronaut's body is found to be acting as host for the embryos of an alien species.

Cast and crew: Bernard L. Kowalski, Gene Corman, Martin Varno, John Baer, Angela Greene, Ed Nelson, Georgianna Carter, Michael Emmet, Tyler McVey, Ross Sturlin

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