The Day and the Hour (1963) - (Simone Signoret) US one-sheet
This is a 27" x 41" US one-sheet poster for the 1963 Rene Clement film The Day and the Hour based on a screenplay by Rene Clement and Roger Vailland and starring Simone Signoret as Therese Dutheil. Plot summary: In the Spring of 1944 Therese is in a rush to get back to Paris after visiting her father's grave in a rual area and collecting some food. The Germans in the area are looking for the pilots of some British and American aircraft that have been shot down. When Therese hitches a ride on a truck carrying some goats, she discovers the pilots are hiding in the back with the goats. She decides to help them board a train for Paris where they can find refuge in a safehouse, but the safehouse is unable to accommodate the American.
Cast and crew: Rene Clement, Roger Vailland, Simone Signoret, Stuart Whitman, Genevieve Page, Michel Piccoli, Reggie Nalder, Billy Kearn
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