Sunday, March 22, 2015

Deadly Blessing (1981) - (dir: Wes Craven) US one-sheet

Deadly Blessing (1981) - (dir: Wes Craven) US one-sheet

This is a US 27" x 41" one-sheet poster for the 1981 Wes Craven film Deadly Blessing based on a story by Glenn M. Benest and Matthew Barr and starring Sharon Stone as Lana Marcus. Plot summary: When a Hittite farmer named Jim Schmidt [Douglas Barr] dies in a mysterious nocturnal tractor accident his widow Martha [Maren Jensen] is left to contend with a superstitious, sometimes violent Hittite community who view her as an evil "incubus" figure, leading to tense scenes with spiders, snakes, spooky barns and homicidal telepathic jealousy!

Cast and crew: Maren Jensen, Susan Buckner, Sharon Stone, Jeff East, Lisa Hartman, Lois Nettleton, Ernest Borgnine, Wes Craven, Douglas Barr

Watch trailer on YouTube

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