Tex and The Lord of the Deep (1985) - (Giuliano Gemma) Egyptian one-sheet
This film directed by Duccio Tessari original Italian title Tex Willer e il signore degli abissi is an interpretation of the adventures of the hero Tex from the comic strip by Bonelli. It is a spaghetti western fantasy that blends magic and mythology with six-guns and stagecoaches. By the time this film was released the spaghetti western had gone into decline and this film, although fascinating, received only a TV release in Italy. The film's star Giuliano Gemma was 47 at the time and he continued making films for another 22 years until 2007. This Egyptian poster was designed by Ahmed Fouad, following closely the design of the Italian one-sheet. The Arabic text in red says "Tex the Avenger"; the black text above that says Giuilano Gemma, then above that in smaller black print it gives the name of the Egyptian Distributor, Aflam al-Salam, 19 Abdel Khaleq Sarwat Street.
Cast and crew: Duccio Tessari, Giuliano Gemma, William Berger, Giorgio Bonelli, Giovanni L. Bonelli, Carlo Mucari, Isabel Russinova, Peter Berling, Flavio Bucci, Aldo Sambrell, Jose Luis de Villallonga, Riccardo Petrazzi, Pietro Torrisi
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