Sunday, August 28, 2016

Maryjane (1968) - (Fabian) US one-sheet

Maryjane (1968) - (Fabian) US one-sheet

This is a 27" x 41" US one-sheet poster for the 1968 Maury Dexter film Maryjane based on a story by Maury Dexter, Richard Gautier and Peter Marshall and starring Fabian as Phil Blake. Plot summary: Phil Blake is a high school art teacher who is framed and arrested for marijuana possession while he is trying to persuade the school principal that marijuana is not harmful.

Cast and crew: Maury Dexter, Richard Gautier, Peter Marshall, Diane McBain, Kevin Coughlin, Michael Margotta, Patty McCormack, Russ Bender, Booth Colman, Baynes Barron, Henry Hunter, Phil Vandervort, Ivan Bonar, Byron Morrow, Ward Ramsey, Bruce Mars, Steve Cory

Watch trailer on YouTube

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