Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Bright [farda roshan ast فردا روشن است] - (Fardin) - (1960) Iranian one-sheet

Farda Roshan Ast فردا رشن است (1960) - (Fardom) Iranian film poster sheet

This is a 23.5" x 16" Iranian poster by an unknown designer made to promote the 1960 Sardar Saker 109-minute black-and-white film Tomorrow Is Bright [فردا روشن است farda roshan ast] starring Fardin, based on a screenplay by Nesame Fatemi with cinematography by Naser Rafat. Plot summary: When a woman realizes her husband has come under the influence of a cabaret singer she changes her appearance and behavior in an effort to get close to her elusive husband again and bring him back into family life. The cabaret singer and her agents kidnap the woman, but the husband catches them with the help of the police and then begins a new life with his wife.

Cast and crew: Sardar Saker, Nesame Fatemi, Delkash, Mohamad Ali Fardin, Vida Ghahremani, Vigen, Manuchehr Tayefeh, Malakeh Ranjbar, Reza Shafi, Parkhideh, Ashraf Kashani, Salman Venus, Reza Hushmand, Mahmoud Moqaddam, Masoudi, Naser Rafat

Visit the Movie Poster Page!

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